Donnerstag, April 14

Finally Free

Finally Free - that is the title of the last track on "Scenes from a Memory" by Dream Theater.
And also I am finally free; free of my task that has been bothering me for weeks now. I finally finished it. Now I have more time again, also because vacations will begin this weekend.
This makes me kind of happy, to be honest. Well, here is a little story I wanted to tell:

A teacher at my school... let us give him a nickname. What about Pete? Yes, Pete.
This teacher, Pete, is quite annoying and quite annoyed. I do not know which came first, but those two things cannot exist without each other. He always keeps blabbering about how bad today's youth is, nobody wants to learn anymore, nobody respects the elders anymore. He does not say this literally, but it is the same thing in the end.
Funny thing is that he is treating his pupils with quite little respect himself. As soon as anyone complains about anything, he either feels insulted or insults.
He tells us not to be late and is late every lesson. Whatever.
(I remember that in the winter a giant ice block fell from the roof and crushed his car. I was amused)
I very often comment ironically on what he does during the lessons and he notices most of the times. But he kind of does not seem to understand how I mean it. Either I want to make a harmless joke or maybe humiliate him. Actually it is the first, but it is still very funny to see him clueless about what to think about it and try to keep up his coolness. He does not really manage to do that. Not that it existed anyway.
Naaah, that is not what I wanted to tell.
I forgot actually. Nah, I'm stopping this now.
See you later 

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